Just wait till you get a load of these upcoming Dance Team World products! Not revealing too much about these just yet. More info on an upcoming vlog so make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow @danceteamworld on Instagram & TikTok!
Costume Swap-Shop
Send us your gently used dance team competition costumes for CASH! Or swap costumes with other teams for "new" ones!
Choreo Classifieds
Looking for a choreographer for next season? Wanna get hired as a dance team choreographer or consultant?
Summer Intensive
Not your ordinary dance team summer camp... Can't wait to share this project. More info soon... Patience please!
MDDT California
JAN 26 - 27 (San Marcos, CA)
Indiana State Dance Championship
FEB 4 (Indianapolis, IN)
Minnesota State Tournament
FEB 17 (Minneapolis, MN)
Idaho State Dance Championships
FEB 23 (Nampa, ID)
Washington State Dance & Drill
MAR 24 (Yakama, WA)
DTU The College Classic
APR 10 - 12 (Orlando, FL)
Dance Team World Championships
JULY 2024 (Tokyo, Japan)